Restoration Kids is our weekly environment created for infant through 5th grade at Restoration Church. Our mission is to engage and energize children to become passionate followers of Jesus while equipping and partnering with parents to continue discipleship at home.

Preschool Focus:

God MADE me.

God LOVES me.

Jesus wants to be my FRIEND forever.

Elementary Focus:

I need to make the wise choice.

I can trust God no matter what.

I should treat others the way I want to be treated.


Restoration Kids is built on the Orange Strategy: Orange combines two influences in a child’s life for the greatest impact: the church (yellow) and the family (red) makes Orange. Imagine the potential when the two environments synchronize, maximizing their individual efforts. We have multiple ways parents can connect:

Check out the materials in our Parent Resource Center in the Restoration Kids hall

Download the Parent Cue App

Utilize the Parent Cue Cards: Each month/week, you will receive a Parent Cue Card for the entire family to enjoy at home.

Encourage your kids to use the God Time Sheets: Each week, kids will receive a

God Time Sheet that gives your child 4 days of devotionals that extend the message all week.

Also, click on the link below for YouTube lessons from Parent Cue (Kids Online).


When is Restoration Kids available?

Restoration Kids is available during the 10:05am service.

I’m a first-time guest. What do I do and where do I go?

Glad you asked!  Head to our main welcome desk and one of our friendly hosts will direct you to the Restoration Kids welcome area downstairs for easy check-in. (FYI-for ease, we often have our check-in station up the stairs from the welcome desk) There you will check your child into our computerized database to help ensure his/her security. Once your child receives his/her security badge, we will walk you and your child to their classroom.

I’d like to serve in Restoration Kids. How do I get started?

Our Restoration Kids staff and servant team can’t wait to partner with you!  All of our servants are background-checked and trained to guarantee your child the best experience possible. Parents are welcome to step up in faith to help disciple our littlest ones for Christ. To get involved, email [email protected] 


Click here to visit our Kids Online Experience!